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Albino cat & kittens for sale

Albino Kittens for sale click here

Purchase an albino cat or kitten:


Kitten Payment Terms ( click here to see pictures of albino cats)

There are two ways to purchase a kitten from

Option one: Since our website is updated almost daily, most people fall in love with an available kitten. Once you decide which of our special kittens is meant for you, a check or credit card deposit in the amount of half of your kitten’s purchase price holds your kitten. You will receive a Deposit Contract showing payment has been received, and until your kitten is ready to "go home," we will be busy taking photos to keep you up-to-date on your kitten's progress.

Your kitten will be ready to go home between nine and eleven weeks of age. All kittens will have received at least one vaccination with Ft. Dodge Fel-O-Vax IV before leaving; some will have received both kitten vaccinations depending on their age and how well they have weaned. If requested, we are happy to hold your kitten until both vaccinations are given.

We generally know a week in advance when a kitten will be ready to travel. At that time, we will contact you to be sure you're available to receive your kitten. Your kitten is then taken to our vet for a check up and health certificate. Final payment plus $250-$300 (depending on the airline used) shipping expenses, covering the flight, the carrier, vet visit, and health papers, are due before your kitten leaves

A flight is booked, usually on Monday, and kittens are generally sent on Friday. This allows your kitten the weekend to "settle in" before your work week starts. Your Final Contract will have been attached to your kitten's carrier and sent along with your kitten.

Option two: The Pre-Birth Contract. If you have a particular breed, color, sex, and generation in mind, the Pre-Birth Contract gives you first right of refusal as kittens are born, before their photos are posted on our site. Once you've decided on your kitten, the procedure is the same as above. The Pre-Birth Contract requires a $500 deposit. It does not commit you to any specific litter or kitten and is refundable or transferable to another breed or generation at any time. Depending on the time of year relative to “kitten season,” we generally have more than one deposit for each generation.



Name:________________________Date of Birth_______________________




Buyer's Name:

Address of Buyer:_______________________________________________

City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________

Phone:____________________Email Address:_______________________

ALBINOKITTENS.COM. (Seller) agrees to sell to Buyer, the kitten designated
above for a price of $____________which includes a non-refundable deposit of
$__________ paid on (date)__________________________________.
Balance of purchase price to be paid before delivery of the kitten. If shipping is
required, Buyer is responsible for all shipping fees (airline fees, appropriate
carrier, health certificate) which will be no less than $400. Delivery costs will be
negotiable between Buyer and Seller if transporting by car. Failure to pay in full
for the kitten and shipping costs will result in loss of deposit by Buyer and
Seller shall then be free to place the kitten with another buyer.

The kitten described above is being sold as a pet (not for breeding or showing)
and the following consideration:

  • Buyer accepts the responsibility of caring for the kitten and will provide
    properly for its welfare. Buyer agrees to keep the kitten indoors in a
    clean and pleasant environment, uncaged and with proper nutrition,
    health care, and companionship.
  • Buyer agrees that this kitten was purchased as a pet(not for breeding or
    showing), and unless altered before sale, must be spayed or neutered
    before the age of six months. Buyer assures and guarantees that this
    kitten will not be used for breeding or stud. Registration papers will be
    held until Buyer has provided Seller with a valid statement of
    spay/neuter signed by a licensed veterinarian. Seller agrees to sign
    kitten's registration papers over to the Buyer within 30 days of receiving
    the appropriate documentation.
  • Health Guarantee: This kitten is guaranteed of sound health upon
    delivery or arrival, and for a period of 72 hours thereafter if vetted within
    that time. Failure to have the animal checked by a licensed veterinarian
    within 72 hours will void any guarantee. It is recommended that the new
    kitten be quarantined during that 72-hour period. If found to be
    medically deficient with an untreatable or life-threatening problem, this
    must be reported to the Seller immediately. If professional medical care
    is given to the kitten during the 72-hour period, the Buyer shall be
    responsible for all veterinary and professional expenses incurred on
    behalf of the kitten. The Seller shall at no time and under no
    circumstances be liable for more that the replacement of the kitten.
    Upon its return, it will be replaced with another kitten of equal value. The
    Seller reserves the right to return a cash refund. If no replacement is
    available at the time of return, Seller will have up to one year to furnish a
    comparable kitten. The kitten cannot be returned for compensation after
    the guaranteed period has expired and/or it has been exposed to
    another cat. Seller will not honor any health guarantee if the kitten dies
    of a virus from contact with another animal not bred at this Cattery. The
    buyer agrees to provide immediate veterinary care to this kitten if it
    shows signs of distress, illness, or injury. Failure to do so will render
    the guarantee null and void. If the kitten dies within the guarantee
    period, despite medical treatment, compensation will be made ONLY if
    a licensed veterinarian certifies the cause of death. When the kitten
    arrives at your home he/she will have been inoculated at least twice for
    (1) Panleukopenia, (2) Viral Rhinotracheitis, (3) Calicivirus. Upon
    buyer's first veterinarian visit it is suggested that the buyer discuss the
    FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) and FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis)
    vaccines with their veterinarian and proceed according to the
    veterinarian's suggestion at that time.
  • The kitten is guaranteed against congenital defects for ONE YEAR.
    Should the animal die within that time as a direct result of a congenital
    defect, the cat will be replaced ONLY if an appropriate necropsy is
    performed by a licensed veterinarian and a veterinarian's certificate is
    provided as proof of cause of death. A replacement will be made of a
    cat of comparable quality and value, as available, at the discretion of the
    Seller. NO CASH REFUNDS.
  • The buyer agrees that this cat will at no time be sold, leased, or given to
    any pet shop, animal dealer, animal research facility, animal shelter or
    to anyone who has ever been convicted of neglect of or cruelty to an
    animal, nor shall it be abandoned. It is the intention of the Seller that the
    Buyer be a permanent placement. If at any time the Buyer becomes
    unable to care for the kitten, Seller is given the right of first refusal. If the
    Seller does not receive the kitten, it is the responsibility of the Buyer to
    place the kitten in a home that meets the same conditions as stated in
    this contract.
    Any legal action which may arise under the terms of this contract will be brought
    in Henry County in the state of Missouri. Buyer shall be liable for any court
    costs and related charges including attorney's fees associated with Seller
    enforcing the terms of this contract. This agreement is the entire agreement
    between parties.

    Seller Recommendations:
  • The kitten should be isolated from other pets for at least one week to
    acclimate to its new surroundings.
  • Any changes to the kittens diet should be made slowly as sudden
    changes may result in episodes of diarrhea.
  • Your kitten has been fed Life's Abundance Premium Dry Health Food for
    cats. It is recommended that your kitten remain on this food for at least
    the first year and have access to dry food and fresh water at all times.
  • The kitten should be given frequent and kind human attention with a
    generous amount of play and exercise.
  • The kitten should not be caged with the exception of short-term
    confinement if necessary.
  • Your kitten is covered litter box trained and has been using Ever Clean
    scoopable litter made by Clorox.

In signing this document, Buyer acknowledges that he/she has read, fully
understands, and agrees to all of the terms and conditions of the above sale.



As our first concern is for the well-being of our cats, we reserve the right to
refuse the sale of any cat or kitten to any individual at any time.


Shipping / Pick-up

If third-party shipping arrangements are being made, Buyer is responsible for all shipping related charges (including a health certificate) and shall be paid by the Buyer to in full prior to’s transfer of cat. If the delivery is made by directly to Buyer, a delivery fee may apply and shall be paid in advance of delivery. Ownership of Cat transfers to Buyer at the point that: 1)Buyer takes physical possession of the Cat if meeting directly with or 2) delivers Cat to third-party shipper. Liability of for said Cat ends upon acceptance of Cat by shipping firm. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to file any claims with shipping company. Buyer agrees to call or email within 1 hour upon initial receipt of cat, if not physically taken directly from

Health Guarantee will provide a written health certificate from a licensed veterinarian, dated within 5 days of shipment, and guarantees Cat for good health for a period of 5 days from the time Cat leaves possession of Buyer agrees that a Cat entering a home where there is another animal present will be isolated / quarantined for a period of one week. Buyer agrees to provide immediate veterinary care to a Cat showing signs of distress, illness, or injury. must be notified immediately about the illness by letter / fax from examining veterinarian and before any major treatment is begun, except in an emergency situation. Under no circumstances is the Cat to be destroyed prior to notifying the cat is found to have a serious or life-threatening condition which the examining veterinarian concludes was present prior to transfer of possession. The replacement will be made as long as the Cat is returned along with all registration papers, original sales contract, and a written statement from the veterinarian within (48) hours of the defect being diagnosed.
.In the event the Cat should die within the guarantee period, despite medical treatment, Buyer must notify immediately and obtain, at his/her expense, an official autopsy report with pertinent lab findings indicating cause of death. Based upon lab findings and said autopsy report, indicating that the illness was present prior to sale, Cat may be replaced at’s discretion with similar or better quality Cat when one becomes available. reserves the right to require the Cat be returned for identification before providing a replacement. There shall be no refunds of purchase price, shipping charges, or any other costs. is not responsible for any veterinary expenses incurred by Buyer at any time. All health guarantees will be null and void if Buyer fails to comply with
any of the provisions specified above.

Initial: Buyer_______ AlbinoKittens.com________ Date______________


Housing, Care and Transfer of Ownership

If it becomes necessary for Buyer to give up the Cat for any reason, Buyer will contact, who has the FIRST option to take / buy the Cat back or assist in finding a suitable new home for the Cat. This right is not time limited, but remains in effect for the life span of the Cat. Under no circumstances is Cat to be placed with a different home / owner or cattery, resold, leased out, traded or given to any other person, pet shop, animal shelter, research laboratory, or similar facility for whatever reason or purpose without AlbinoKittens.coms Under NO circumstance is the buyer allowed to de-claw any kitten purchased from Maxwell Rex. We believe this practice to be cruel and traumatic to the cat and reserve the right to reposess any cat having been subjected to this procedure.
knowledge and written consent. Cat will not be caged as a primary living arrangement. reserves the right to inquire about and inspect the Cat’s housing and quarters at any given (reasonable) time. reserves the right to repossess, with no compensation to the owner if Cat is found in an unsanitary or inhumane condition, or being caged. The Cat must be maintained as a indoor cat , within the household of the Buyer at all times, except for brief periods when the Cat may be cared for by another due to the absence of the Buyer from home. If Cat is sold as Breeder, Buyer agrees not to breed Cat before 12 months of age and agrees to retire Cat from breeding at 6 years or younger.and sold as a PET only* the cat has 2 be altered by vet in alotted time frame .Once we have received paper work then and only then will the registration be handed over to the new owner.

Buyer / Obligations

Buyer agrees to keep Cat for as long as it lives, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent it. Buyer agrees to follow Cat care as outlined in brochure supplied by Buyer agrees that the Cat will always receive prompt, top-notch medical care from a competent, licensed veterinarian. Care shall be obtained immediately upon any signs of illness. Buyer agrees to have new Cat micro chipped if does not already have this done.
Buyer and agree to exchange any future changes of address or phone number. Buyer agrees, as a courtesy, to provide yearly photographs of Cat to and to update of the Cat’s progress or any other related info. Thank you!

Breech of Contract

In the event of invalidation of any provision of this contract, the remaining provisions of this contract will continue to be fully enforceable in accordance with the terms within. All legal fees and/or court costs necessary to enforce this contract will be the obligation of the Buyer, including all those incurred by Any legal action which may arise under the terms of this contract will be brought in the city/county of's residence.

Additional Provisions

The following lines are for additional circumstances related to the sale. Strike-through any lines that are unused. All additions must be initialed by both parties. This legally binding contract is the exclusive agreement between the Buyer and and supersedes any and all prior oral or written agreements, negotiations or other dealings between them concerning the purchase and sale of this Cat. This agreement may be modified only in writing, signed by both Buyer and, and is non-transferable to any other party. I have had sufficient time to review and seek explanation of the provisions contained above, have carefully read them, fully understand, and agree to them.

Signature of Buyer(s): ___________________________________________________ Date: __________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
Signature of ___________________________________________________ Date: __________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
Two (2) copies are made of this contract, one for Buyer, one for
