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Albino cat & kittens for sale

Albino Kittens for sale click here

Purchase an albino cat or kitten:


Kitten Health Guarantee ( click here to see pictures of albino cats)

After receiving payment in full for your kitten, two signed copies of this Health Guarantee will be mailed to you. One of them must be signed by you and returned before your kitten will be shipped. The other one is for you to keep for your records. guarantees that the kitten named above is free of the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) at the time of purchase. The kitten is also guaranteed to be free of intestinal parasites and up to date on all vaccinations. A copy of the kitten's health record will be given to the buyer at the time of purchase. In addition, cannot warranty this kitten against any adverse reactions to future vaccinations.

The buyer has a 3 business day period to have the kitten examined by a licensed veterinarian. You should preferably have a veterinarian appointment set up in advance before your kitten arrives. A dated copy of your veterinarian’s health assessment must be received by within 10 days of receiving your kitten or this guarantee will be void.

If a licensed veterinarian finds the kitten to have a serious illness or deformity, a written statement by the veterinarian on his or her letterhead identifying the problem must be given to within the 10 day time limit stated above. The kitten may then be returned to the cattery at the buyer’s expense for one of similar quality. Serious illness means a shortened or painful lifespan. is not responsible for the costs of shipping a replacement kitten.
Each kitten is guaranteed to be flea and earmite free at the time they leave the cattery. There is no excuse for a kitten to have either one of these. They are highly controllable and if the proper steps are taken they can be prevented. If your kitten is shipped, please be aware that there is the possibility for your kitten to pick up a few fleas on the flight. This would be a VERY rare occurence and most likely wouldn't happen, but your kitten is in close quarters with animals from other breeders who may or may not have as high of standards as Daphne's Dolls.

This guarantee does NOT include minor nuisances such as fungus or Upper Respiratory Infections. A minor Upper Respiratory Infection or fungus can occur as a result of the stress of being relocated into a new home, and can not guarantee that this won’t happen. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of these are present at the time of shipping/delivery. In addition, all kittens being shipped, are vet checked by a licensed veterinarian and will receive a veterinary certificate of health before being shipped, stating that they are in good health at the time of shipping. For the safety of your other pets, you shoud keep your new kitten in a separate area until checked by your vet.

Buyer is responsible for all vet related expenses once the kitten is released from This includes initial exam, office visits, lab tests, vaccinations, medications, surgery or time off work. Either at initial visit or for any future visits. No medical care is authorized or will be paid for by By signing this contract, the buyer is accepting these terms.

If the above named kitten dies within 1 (one) year of the date of purchase due to hereditary or congenital defects, will replace the cat or kitten with one of similar quality. THERE WILL BE NO CASH REFUNDS. To determine if the cat's death has been caused by a congenital or hereditary defect, must receive proof of the defect in the form of a complete necropsy report, completed by a licensed veterinarian. is not responsible for costs relating to the necropsy. If after reviewing the findings it is determined the death was under warranty, a replacement kitten of equal value would be offered as soon as possible. A total of up to 4 kittens will be offered as a replacement for the intial kitten. If the buyer turns down all 4 offers, they forfeit their right to another kitten.

Failure to have the kitten examined by a veterinarian within the stated amount of time, or any evidence of abuse, neglect, or mishandling releases from any responsibility regarding the kitten. does not warranty against FIP in your kitten. FIP comes from a mutation of a feline intestinal virus (FECV) and no one can pinpoint when or where a cat was exposed to the virus and at what point it mutated into FIP. Some cats can be exposed to FECV and never develop FIP. The current means of testing for FIP has a high rate of false positives. Also, if you vaccinate your kitten against FIP, the test for FIP wil always come back as positive even though your kitten may not actually have the disease.

If you choose to vaccinate your kitten against FIPV, this guarantee will be void.
It is agreed that this is an "As Is" sale, subject only to the warranties outlined herein which is the final agreement of all parties. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read this contract in its entirety and agree to all of its requirements, stipulations and terms thereof, and that you have received a copy of this contract for your records.
